KCSE 2024 History Paper 1 Questions and Marking Scheme

SECTION A (25 marks)

1.Luo groups who moved into Kenya before the 19th century.

(i) Luo Abasuba

(ii) Joka Omolo

(iii) Joka Owiny

(iv) Joka-Jok

2.The main function of the council of elders among African communities in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.

To settle disputes among the people.

3.Crops which were introduced by the Portuguese at the Kenyan Coast.

(i) Cassava.

(ii) Sweet potatoes.

(iii) Maize.

(iv) Groundnuts.

(v) Pawpaws.

(vi) Guavas.

(vii) Pineapples.

4.Economic causes of conflicts in the family.

(i) Conflict over land.

(ii) Conflict over finances/money.

(iii) Conflict over property.

5.Give the commission which was set up to streamline education in Kenya immediately after independence.

The Kenya Education Commission/The Ominde Commission.

6. Outline the rights of the youth which are enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya. (1 mark)

(i) Right to access employment opportunities.

(ii) Protection from harmful cultural practices.

(iii) Access to relevant education/training.

(iv) Right to association/representation.

(v) Right to participate in social/political/economic activities.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

7. Types of democracy. (1 mark)

(i) Direct/pure.

(ii) Indirect/representative.

(iii) Constitutional/Liberal Democracy

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

8. The main method of administration used by the British in Kenya. (1 mark)

Indirect rule.

1 x 1 = 1 mark

9. The commission that created boundaries of the White Highlands in Kenya. (1 mark)

The Carter Commission.

1 x 1 = 1 mark

10. The main reason why KADU was formed in 1960. (1 mark)

To represent the interests of the minority groups in Kenya.

1 x 1 = 1 mark

11. Give two reasons for the formation of the Taita Hills Association. (2 marks)

(i) To protest against taxation.

(ii) To protest against the Kipande system.

(iii) To fight against land alienation.

(iv) To protest against forced labour.

(v) To resist destocking policy.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

SECTION A (25 marks)

Two characteristics of the trade unions formed in Kenya during the colonial period. (2 marks)

(i) They were formed along racial lines.

(ii) They were formed by those in employment.

(iii) They were formed by educated elites in urban areas.

(iv) They existed where there was money/wage earning labour force.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Arm of the County government in Kenya. (1 mark)

(i) County Assembly.

(ii) County Executive.

Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark

Factors which have undermined harambee philosophy in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Embezzlement/misappropriation/misuse of harambee funds./corruption

(ii) Negative attitude of the citizens. / Forced contribution

(iii) Abuse of the harambee spirit. / Forced contribution

(iv) High poverty levels among the people/ inability to contribute.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Functions of the Attorney General in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) He/she is the principal legal advisor to the National Government.

(ii) Represents the National Government in court.

(iii) Appears as a friend of the court in civil proceedings where government is not involved.

(iv) Promotes/protects/upholds the Rule of Law. / Defends Public Interest

(v) Is a member of the Cabinet.

(vi) Drafts Government Bills before tabled in parliament

2 x 1 = 2 marks

Give two features of the African Socialism in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Political democracy/freedom to exercise democratic rights.

(ii) Mutual social responsibility. (iii) Allows various forms of ownership.

(iv) Equity in use/distribution of resources.

(v) Progressive taxation.

(vi) Diffusion of ownership

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

17. External sources of the National government revenue. (1 mark)

(i) Loans.(ii) Grants.(iii) Foreign aid. (e.g., donations, bilateral aid, multilateral aid)

Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark

SECTION B (45 marks)

18. (a) Bantu communities which settled in Kenya during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)

(i) Taita.(ii) Mijikenda.(iii) Pokomo.(iv) Akamba.(v) Agikuyu.(vi) Ameru.(vii) Aembu.(viii) Mbeere.(ix) Abaluyia.(x) Abagusii.(xi) Abasuba.(xii) Abakuria.

Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks

(b) Effects of the settlement of the Bantus in Kenya up to the 19th Century. (10 marks)

(i) It led to conflicts/wars between the original occupants and the newcomers.

(ii) It led to cultural interaction as they adopted some cultures of the communities they found.

(iii) It led to population increase/pressure in the areas they settled.

(iv) It led to the spread of iron-working technology in the areas they settled since they were specialized in the technology.

(v)Trading activities intensified as the Bantu communities exchanged/traded their items/goods with other communities.

(vi)It led to displacement of some weak communities by the Bantus, for they could not resist them where the Bantus were stronger than them/ population redistribution

(vii)It led to intermarriages between Bantus and other communities.

(viii) They introduced/spread agricultural practices in the areas they settled, because the Bantus were agriculturists/ farmers.(ix) It had to absorption | Assimilation of neighbouring communities by the Bantus.Any 5 x 2= 10 marks

19(a) Economic activities of the Cushites in the 19th century.

(i)Pastoralism / Livestock keeping

(ii) Trade.

iii) Fishing.

(iv) Hunting wild animals.(v)Craftsmanship.

(vi)Crop farming.

(vii) Gathering wild fruits/roots.

(viii) they made won tools | Ironworking

Any 5 x15 marks.

(b) Description of the social organization of the Nandi during pre-colonial period. (5 marks)

(i)The family was the basic social unit comprising of the father, mother and children.

(ii)The community was organized into clans which were made up of related families.

(iii)They poured libations to the spirits to appease them.

(iv) They believed in ancestral spirits which acted as a link between them and their God. / God / Asis

(v)They believed in a supernatural being, who controlled their destiny.

(vi)They practised circumcision of both male and females to promote them to adulthood.

(vii) They had age set organization which was made up of those who were initiated at the same period/age mates. (e.g., elaborate seclusion period ceremonies).

(viii) They had medicine men who cured their diseases in their community.

(ix) They were religious as they had diviners/prophets/rainmakers, who conducted worship services/sacrifices.

(x) They had a council of elders whose main function was to settle disputes among people.

(xi) Practiced polygamous marriages which were recognized.

(xii) Worship in specific places/shrines.

Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks

20.(a) Factors that promoted the development of the Indian Ocean Trade. (5 marks)

(i) The existence of the monsoon winds.(ii) Political stability at the coast.

(iii) Existence of enterprising merchants.

(iv) Availability of trade items.

(v) High demand for items from the coast.

(vi) Availability of credit facilities from the Indian Banyans/Arabs.(vii) Accessibility of the coast by the sea.

(viii) The presence of natural harbors.(ix) Existence of local trade among the Africans.(x) Knowledge/technology of boat making.

Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks

(b) Reasons for the decline of the Portuguese rule at the Coast of Kenya. (10 marks)

(i) Frequent attacks by the Omani Arabs, leading to the seizure of Fort Jesus.

(ii) The Portuguese were weakened by the attacks by the Zimba warriors who were warlike/cannibalistic.

(iii) The Portuguese had inadequate officials who were not sufficient to administer the territory. (Portugal was a small country to supply enough soldiers.)

(iv) Annexation of Portugal by Spain, diverting the Portuguese attention from the Coast.

Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks

(v) There was sustained or constant attacks by the Ottoman Turks/persians/arabs thereby weakening the portuguese rule

(vi)Tropical diseases like malaria weakened the portuguese administrators/soldiers, making them less effective in their work

(vii)The Portuguese officials were corrupt/greedy/ruthless thus provoking hostility from the local people

(viii) Delayed reinforcement from Portugal made it difficult for the portuguese to suppress/ quell rebellion effectively

(v) There were sustained/constant attacks by the Ottoman Turks/Persians/French/Arabs, thereby weakening the Portuguese rule.

(vi) Tropical diseases like malaria weakened Portuguese administrators/soldiers, making them less effective in their work.

(vii) The Portuguese officials were corrupt/greedy/ruthless, thus provoking hostility from the local people.

(viii) Delayed reinforcements from Portugal made it difficult for the Portuguese to suppress/quell rebellions effectively.

21. (a) Responsibilities of a citizen in Kenya:

(i) Paying taxes.

(ii) Participating in development projects.

(iii) Avoiding corruption.

(iv) Ensuring proper use of public/private finances/property/resources

(v) Protecting life.

(vi) Working hard/honestly.

(vii) Protecting/conserving the environment.

(viii) Participating in democratic process.

(b) Functions of the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission:

(i) To promote respect for human rights/develop a culture of human rights in order to uphold human dignity.

(ii) To monitor/investigate observance of human rights so as to report alleged abuses.

(iii) To promote gender equality/equity so as to facilitate mainstreaming in the national developments.

(iv)To receive complaints about human rights abuses and take necessary action to curb violations/abuses.

(v) To increase budgetary allocation to finance court programmes/operations effectively.

(vi) Digitalization of court processes for decongestion courts/cost effectiveness to avoid manual processes which take a lot of time.

(vii) Involving other bodies/civil rights groups on supporting the independence of the Judiciary.

(viii) Weeding out corrupt judicial officers or setting up a committee to monitor their conduct.

(ix) Revitalizing/strengthening the office of the Ombudsman who receives/acts on complaints from citizens.

(x) Lowering court fees to make them affordable to ordinary citizens.

Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks

SECTION C (30 marks)

22. (a) Highlight three levels of conflicts in Kenya. (3 marks)

(i) Between groups. (ii) Between individuals. (iii) Between individuals and groups. (iv) Between individuals and state. (v) Between states.

Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks

(b) Solutions to the challenges faced by the Judiciary in Kenya. (12 marks)

(i) Provision of legal education to members of the public/officials for effective service delivery. (ii) Improvement of terms and conditions of service for judicial officers to boost their morale.

(iii) Recruitment of more judicial officers to reduce the backlog of cases in the court. (iv) Establishment of more courts in all parts of the country to ensure access to legal services.

23. (a) Give the composition of the executive arm of the National Government of Kenya. (3 marks)

(i) The President.

(ii) The Cabinet.

(iii) The Deputy President.

(iv) The Secretary to the Cabinet.

(v) The Attorney General.

(vi) The Public Service/Civil Service.

3 x 1 = 3 marks

(b) Advantages of Parliamentary supremacy in Kenya. (12 marks)

(i) It allows citizens to participate in governance through their representatives.

(ii) It enhances checks and balances through constructive criticism by the opposition.

(iii) It provides a training ground for leaders as they deliberate on matters affecting the country.(iv) It creates harmony in the country as it works together with other arms of government.

Advantages of a multi-party democracy.

(i) It ensures that politicians are accountable and responsible to the electorate.

(ii) It is flexible that in an emergency situation, it can appoint/form a committee to handle the crisis.

(iii) It allows for regular elections where citizens are given an opportunity to elect their representatives. It gives chance to electorates to reject/ oppose decisions taken by the government.

(iv) It legitimizes/approves decisions taken by the government.

Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks

24. (a) Functions of the County Assemblies in Kenya. (3 marks)

(i) They receive/approve plans/policies for the county.

(ii) They exercise oversight role over the county executive.

(iii) They make laws to govern the county.

(iv) They approve budgets for counties.

(v) They represent the interests of people in the county.

Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks

(b) Ways through which the County Government promotes agriculture. (12 marks)

(i) They provide extension services such as pest control methods/veterinary services/best farming practices.

(ii) They improve/construct infrastructure/roads to ease transportation of agricultural produce.

(iii) They establish market for agricultural goods produced in their counties.

(iv) They construct livestock sale yards where farmers sell their livestock.

(v) They control animal plant diseases through vaccination/use of pesticides/insecticides.

(vi) They promote fish farming through the establishment of fish ponds.

(vii) They create cooperative societies which assist in production/marketing of agricultural products.

(viii) They promote animal welfare through licensing/caring of animals/provision of burial sites.

Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks

More history Paper One Questions and Answers

SECTION A (25 marks)

Two characteristics of the trade unions formed in Kenya during the colonial period. (2 marks)

(i) They were formed along racial lines. 

(ii) They were formed by those in employment. 

(iii) They were formed by educated elites in urban areas. 

(iv) They existed where there was money/wage earning labour force.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Arm of the County government in Kenya. (1 mark)

(i) County Assembly. ✓ (ii) County Executive. ✓

Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark

Factors which have undermined harambee philosophy in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Embezzlement/misappropriation/misuse of harambee funds. / CORRUPTION

(ii) Negative attitude of the citizens. / Forced contribution. 

(iii) Abuse of the harambee spirit. / Forced contribution (iv) High poverty levels among the people/ inability to contribute.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Functions of the Attorney General in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) He/she is the principal legal advisor to the National Government. 

(ii) Represents the National Government in court. 

(iii) Appears as a friend of the court in civil proceedings where government is not involved. (iv) Promotes/protects/upholds the Rule of Law. / Defends public interest 

(v)Is a member of the Cabinet. 

(vi) Drafts Government Bills before tabled in parliament

2 x 1 = 2 marks

Give two features of the African Socialism in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Political democracy/freedom to exercise democratic rights.

(ii) Mutual social responsibility.

(iii) Allows various forms of ownership.

(iv) Equity in use/distribution of resources.

(v) Progressive taxation. (vi) Diffusion of ownership

Two characteristics of the trade unions formed in Kenya during the colonial period. (2 marks)

(i) They were formed along racial lines. 

(ii) They were formed by those in employment. 

(iii) They were formed by educated elites in urban areas. 

(iv) They existed where there was money/wage earning labour force.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Arm of the County government in Kenya. (1 mark)

(i) County Assembly. 

(ii) County Executive.

Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark

Factors which have undermined harambee philosophy in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Embezzlement/misappropriation/misuse of harambee funds. / CORRUPTION 

(ii) Negative attitude of the citizens. / Forced contribution. 

(iii) Abuse of the harambee spirit. / Forced contribution 

(iv) High poverty levels among the people/ inability to contribute.

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

Functions of the Attorney General in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) He/she is the principal legal advisor to the National Government. 

(ii) Represents the National Government in court. 

(iii) Appears as a friend of the court in civil proceedings where government is not involved.

(iv) Promotes/protects/upholds the Rule of Law. / Defends public interest 

(v) Is a member of the Cabinet. 

(vi) Drafts Government Bills before tabled in parliament

2 x 1 = 2 marks

Give two features of the African Socialism in Kenya. (2 marks)

(i) Political democracy/freedom to exercise democratic rights.

(ii) Mutual social responsibility.

(iii) Allows various forms of ownership.

(iv) Equity in use/distribution of resources.

(v) Progressive taxation.

(vi) Diffusion of ownership

Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

The Kenya National Examinations Council 311/1 MS