



OCT. /NOV. KCSE 2016


  • This paper consists of two sections; A and B
  • Answer question 16 and any other three questions from section B
  • All answer should be written in the spaces provided on the question paper.

(a)State the meaning of the term disk defragmentation as used in computers  (1mk)

  • The process of rewriting parts of a file to contiguous sectors on a disk

1. (b) state the purpose of disk defragmentation (1mk)

  • To increase the speed of access and retrieval of files
  • To increase space on the disk space


  1. Identify any computer output device suitable for each of the following tasks:
  1. Generating receipts where carbon copies are required  (1mk)
  • Impact printers e.g dot matrix

     b) an architectural drawing where precision is required         (1mk)

  • Plotter

(c ) producing document output for a visually impaired person (1mk)

  • Braille/speakers
  1. Pesa Tele has offices in Nairobi and Kampala connected in a network . the management is convinced that someone is illegally gaining access to the data in their computers. State three ways in which the company can overcome this problem (3mks)
  • Encryption
  • Firewall
  • Audit trail/tracking
  • Use of passwords
  • Limit the number of log-in attempts
  1. Explain two ways in which the use of internet could make reporting of corruption easier (4mks)
  • Interactive: the internet based technology enables real-time dialogue hence instantaneous reporting of cases
  • Outreach: the technology allows the coverage of wide areas
  • Social mobilization : it easy to create a network of people with similar concerns
  • Anonymity : it is easier to report corruption without being  known
  • Security: the message sent reaches destination without being intruded
  1. State ways in which software errors can be prevent during program development
  • Use of antivirus software
  • Performing system update frequently
  • Testing the software before implementation
  • Proper training


A manager wishes to replace the current manual system with a computerized one. Describe three areas that must be evaluated to justify the replacement  (6 marks)

  • Technical feasibility
  • Does the current technology suffice
  • Economic feasibility
  • Benefits outweigh costs/ whether the project is cost effective
  • Schedule feasibility
  • Can it be done within the schedule

Headache, back and neck pain may result from the use of computers. State how each of them can be minimized (2mks)

  • Proper lighting
  • Regular breaks
  • Use of antiglare
  • Correct position of the screen
  • Ergonomic furniture

Students of a school intended to elect their school Captain by secret ballot.  State three ways in which computers can be used to improve the election process                           (3mks)

  • Registrations of voters
  • Voter identification
  • Actual voting
  • Tallying


State the function of each of the following keys on the computer keyboard :  (2mks)


  • Deletes characters to the left of the cursor


  • Add characters at the cursor position
  • Toggles between overtype and insert modes

An organization intends to replace an existing system by carrying out the process in stages .

Name the implementation strategy ;  (1mk)

  • Phased change-over

Give two reasons why the  organization is opting to use the implementation strategy  in (a) above (2mks)

  • Gives employees time to learn
  • Organizations can revert to the old system in case of failure
  • Reduces resistance by the employee
  • It is easier to find system errors as you are dealing with only one part at a time
  • Accessing parts of the old system is still is possible in case of failure of the new system


State the function of each of the following keys on the computer keyboard :  (2mks)


  • Deletes characters to the left of the cursor


  • Add characters at the cursor position
  • Toggles between overtype and insert modes

An organization intends to replace an existing system by carrying out the process in stages .

Name the implementation strategy ;  (1mk)

  • Phased change-over

Give two reasons why the  organization is opting to use the implementation strategy  in (a) above     (2mks)

  • Gives employees time to learn
  • Organizations can revert to the old system in case of failure
  • Reduces resistance by the employees
  • It is easier to find system errors as you are dealing with only one part at a time
  • Accessing parts of the old system is still is possible in case of failure of the new system


A manager wishes to replace the current manual system with a computerized one. Describe three areas that must be evaluated to justify the replacement  (6 marks)

  • Technical feasibility
  • Does the current technology suffice
  • Economic feasibility
  • Benefits outweigh costs/ whether the project is cost effective
  • Schedule feasibility
  • Can it be done within the schedule


Headache, back and neck pain may result from the use of computers. State how each of them can be minimized                               (2mks)

  • Proper lighting
  • Regular breaks
  • Use of antiglare
  • Correct position of the screen
  • Ergonomic furniture

Students of a school intended to elect their school Captain by secret ballot.  State three ways in which computers can be used to improve the election process                          (3mks)

  • Registrations of voters
  • Voter identification
  • Actual voting
  • Tallying

Explain why intranet is a more secure way to share files within an organization compared to internet (2mks)

  • Intranet involves the interconnection of computers  within  the organization hence it is easier to monitor the access and sharing of files since the users in an organization can be assigned accounts and passwords which will enable to access files they are authorized to access unlike the internet where many can access what is stored in the organization’s website

List two career opportunities directly associated with computer networking               (2mks)

  • Network administrators
  • Network engineers
  • Network technicians

Distinguish between a formula and a function as used in spreadsheets

  • A formula is a mathematical expression that returns a value
  • A function is an excel inbuilt formula that returns a value given a range of values or arguments

 The C directory of a computer has folders named Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. Each class has students’ folder named according to their admission number.  The student created their own folder for subjects they are studying based on the table below: