Introduction to Computers

Classification of Computers Lesson III

By the end of the lesson, you should be able:Classify computers as either digital , analog or hybrid.

Classification of computers according to functionality

According to functionality computers are classified as:

  • Analog computers
  • Digital computers
  • Hybrid Computers

Analog computers

These are computers that process data that is continuous in nature. Examples of continuous data are variations in physical quantities E.g. temperature, heart beats humidity etc

Digital data is represented using values that do not have any transitional changes over time.

NB: This means that the data is processed at a very high speed and within no time the output is provided to the user.

The data is said to be discontinuous because one task must be accomplished so before starting the other task. i.e. Each letter typed using a microcomputer is converted into digital form and displayed on the screen after processing operations at a time.

Analog data/continuous data is represented using values that have transitional changes on time.

NB: This indicates that analog data take time to process as compared to digital data.

Digital Computers

These computers process data represented in terms of binary digits. The data processed by these computers are discrete.

Hybrid computers

Processes both analog and digital types of data.


  • Fuel pumps
  • Analog BP machine
  • ATM machine
  • refrigerator,
  • differential analyser
  • Slide Rules
  • seismometer
  • voltmeter
  • flight simulators
  • speedometer, etc.

Public Domain, Calculator, Special Purpose Computer