OCT. /NOV. KCSE 2021
- This paper consists of two sections; A and B
- Answer question 16 and any other three questions from section B
- All answer should be written in the spaces provided on the question paper.
Q1. 1. State two ways in which a computer may be used in a healthcare sector other than record keeping
- Patient monitoring
- Used to control medical equipment e.g ultra sound
- medical research and studies
- communication and telemedicine
Q2. State four operations that may be performed on a file by an operating system
- file deletion
- file copying
- file renaming
- file retrieval
- file closing
- file reading
Q3. Explain the term website as used in the internet
- A collection of related webpages under the same domain name
Q4. Explain a reason necessitating governments to enact data protection laws
- To provide legal backing so that it is possible to seek redress if the rights are violated
- To observe copyright for those who create original works
- To protect the confidentiality of information kept about an individual
Q5. When an image is inserted in a DTP document is selected, handles on its placeholders appear. State three uses of these handles
- Used to resize the image
- Used to rotate the image
- Used to move the image
Q6. State a circumstance under which dry-run testing is performed when developing a program (2mks)
- To detect and remove errors
- To confirm if the program produces the expected output
Q7. State two ways in which data validation is implemented on an input form of a database application
- By setting the validation rule for the input controls on the property sheet in design view
- By use of VBA to restrict user inputs for a given control on a form
- By use of queries to restrict options available for the user in a combo box or listbox
- Setting correct data types for the fields in table the design
- Enforcing referential integrity in database relationships
- Use of input mask for the controls on the property sheeet in design view
Q8. Mikal has been employed as a computer trainer in an organisation. State three roles that she is likely to play in the organisation
- Developing training materials
- Training computer users
- Conducting ICT examinations
- Managing the learning and examination process
- Developing guidelines for using the computer lab
- Planning the course content
Q9. List three electronic data processing modes used in computers
- Realtime processing
- Batch processing
- Timesharing
- multiprogramming
- Online
- Batch
- Distributed