
Q&A-KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1

State THREE reasons why binary is used in developing digital electronic systems                                                                                                                                                   (3marks)

  • Simple technology is needed to develop both hardware and software.
  • Digital devices are more reliable, small in size and use less power as compared to analog devices.
  • Devices that read, process or output data in digital form are used in computers and other digital devices such as calculators.

The Unicode character set is used to represent text that is typed into a computer.
(a) Describe what is meant by a character set.

(b) One disadvantage of using the Unicode character set, instead of the ASCII character set, is
that the text stored takes up more storage space.

  • All the characters and symbols that can be represented by a computer system.
  • Each character and symbol is assigned a unique value.

(b) One disadvantage of using the Unicode character set, instead of the ASCII character set, is

that the text stored takes up more storage space

  • Each character is encoded using more bits


Describe three other different categories of malware.

Trojan (horse); a program which misleads the user into thinking it is another
piece of software which, when run, executes another program;
Spyware; a program which records data such as usernames and passwords on
a host system and forwards the information to a third party;
Adware; code embedded or attached to program files which will persistently
show adverts (that attempt to generate revenue);
Worm; code which will run autonomously and replicates itself on a host system;
Ransomware; a program that encrypts user’s data to make it unreadable until
they pay for the key;
Remote Access Tool (RAT); allows access to control and monitor a computer
from a remote network location;
Rootkit; malware that has managed to gain ‘root’ admin privileges;
Bots/Zombies; a program installed on a computer that performs a job for the
remote owner of the bot/zombie such as sending spam or sending web requests
to perform a DOS or attacking a computer system;
Scareware; malware that tells you something is wrong with your system in an
attempt to get you to make a purchase;
Keylogger; a program that monitors/records a user’s keystrokes in order to steal
passwords/confidential details;

The Acme company stores data for a private scientific research group. It has recently upgraded its storage capacity and needs to dispose of its existing hard drives securely. Outline two methods for the secure disposal of the data on the hard drives.

Acme company needs to ensure that if they are reselling the drives they wipe the drive (this should be done regardless of the destruction of the drive) to the DoD standard.

  • Disassemble the drive by pulling it apart the drive so that the data would not be accessed
  • Destroy the metal disk either by drilling holes so it cannot be read
  •  Encrypt drives with passwords that are not accessible
  • Degaussing the hard drives
  • Use specialized overwriting software

This would ensure that any software cannot be used to locate files.

Give three examples of how data can be damaged accidentally

  • Power surge/loss (damages hardware)
  •  Use a UPS
  • Water can be spilt on the device
  • Don’t have water near the device
  • Keep the device in a waterproof box when not is use
  • Fire can destroy the device
  • Use electrics safety
  • Keep the device in a fireproof box when not in use
  • Data is accidentally deleted
  •  Add verification method for data deletion
  •  Set access levels for data to limit who can delete the data
  • Incorrect use of storage device
  • Making sure the device is ejected before removing
  •  Physical damage to hardware // hardware failure
  •  Correct care and maintenance of hardware
  •  Software failure 
  • Making sure it is always up to date // enable automatic updates


Describe the query criteria given below


(a) Like "*kenya*"

  • Returns the records of all countries that contain the string "kenya"

(b) Like "*ina"

  • Returns records for all countries/regions whose names end in "ina", such as China and Argentina.

(c) Like U*

  • Returns records for all countries/regions whose names start with "U", such as UK, USA, and so on.

(d) Not Like U*

  • Returns records for all countries/regions whose names start with a character other than "U".

(e) >= "Mexico"

  • Returns records of all countries/regions, beginning with Mexico and continuing through the end of the alphabet.

(f) Like "[A-D]*"

  • Returns records for countries/regions whose names start with the letters "A" through "D".

(g) "USA" Or "UK"

  • Returns records for USA and UK.

Differentiate between action query and select query

An action query is used to modify, add, or delete data in a database whereas a select query is used to retrieve data from a database based on specified criteria but does not make any changes to the data.

State two advantages of electronic databases over a flat file

  • Data Integrity: they provide ways or mechanisms for enforcing data integrity constraints, such as referential integrity. If a record in the parent table is deleted, related records in the child table also get deleted. This ensures accurthe acy and consistency of data stored in the database
  • Data Security
  • Concurrency control
  • Reduces data redundancy
  • Data retrieval and querying
  • Data indexing
  • Data consistency and acid transaction
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Data sharing and collaboration
  • Convenient data maintenance

Data integrity in a database can be divided into three categories: referential integrity, domain integrity and entity integrity.

(a)Outline the meaning of each of the following.

(i) Referential integrity

(ii) Entity integrity

(b) Describe how data integrity can improve the process of database management. (2 marks)

(i) Referential integrity

  • Two entities that are related require that a foreign key must have a matching primary key

(ii) Entity integrity

  • Entity integrity specifies that the Primary Keys on every instance of an entity must be kept, must be unique and must have values other than NULL

(b) Describe how data integrity can improve the process of database management. (2 marks)

  • Data integrity is the maintenance of, and the assurance of, data accuracy and consistency over its entire life-cycle and is a critical aspect to the design, implementation, and usage of any system that stores, processes, or retrieves data
  • The overall intent of any data integrity technique is the same: ensure data is recorded exactly as intended (such as a database correctly rejecting mutually exclusive possibilities)

What is entity integrity?

  • It ensures that each row has a unique and non-null primary key

What is a referential integrity constraint?

  • It requires that a foreign key must have a matching primary key or it must be null

Define Domain integrity

Domain integrity - ensures that all data in  a field contain valid values

What is a primary key?

  • an attribute/combination of attributes chosen to ensure that the records in a table are unique

State three ways of transforming a picture embedded in a DTP program in order to fit on a designated space on a document (kcse 2019 paper 1)

  • Resizing using resize handles
  • Rotating
  • Cropping
  • Flipping
  • Moving

Explain a situation when each of the following Desktop Publishing programs features may be used when creating a document

(i) Crop - used when handling a graphic and there is a need to remove some of the portions in the graphic

(ii)Transparency - used when there is a need to make background of a graphic visible